5 Years Later: A Practical Guide to Holding Multiple Truths

I have not been this excited to sit down and write in months. And for that, I have pageantry to thank. Yes, you read that correctly. No, you did not have a stroke. I said it: I am excited to write because of pageantry. I attended the Miss Iowa pageant Saturday night for the first time in five years. The last time I attended, I was First Runner Up to Miss Iowa 2018. I had mentally prepared myself for a lot of things to happen last night. I had prepped for anxiety, a jarring mental discourse between feeling depressed and insecure while feeling like I looked like I could have won Miss Iowa that night, and I had prepped for maybe a panic attack or two, with my emergency pack of Warheads in tote. I had prepped for the small talk, the inevitable "how's being married?", which, by the way, I had rehearsed my answer as "no different, just with a joint checking and a mortgage." Please note: if we had this conversation, I appreciate you asking and I appreciate you letting ...