
I should begin with a disclaimer: I didn't win anything tangible. You cannot touch what I won this past weekend. You cannot feel it unless you've experienced it. It's not something you can pick up and set down. And that's more than okay with me.

I competed in a pageant this last weekend. Like I said in my previous post, I competed alongside 16 other beautiful, talented, incredibly intelligent young women. They are some of the most distinguished human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I can safely say I have 16 new friends. Ladies, you were all wonderful. You are all unique in your own way, and spending time together this past week was exactly what I needed. Thank you all for being you.

I don't think I'm a complete cynic. I really do believe in fate. I believe I've met the people I've met for a reason, and they all have had or have a reason for being present in my life at one point or another. Some have taught me a lot about love. Some have taught me a lot about perseverance. Some have taught me a lot about just being a genuine human being and not completely sucking in a world that makes a lot of people.. um, suck. I am forever grateful for these people, even the ones who have proven to be the worst kinds of people.

Where I'm going with this post is basically, I owe copious amount of thank you's to my family and friends. I got up on that stage last Saturday and heard cheers when my name was called as 1st Runner Up to Miss University of Alabama. My nearest and dearest friends were there, and prior to the pageant, the ones who couldn't be there sent me a ridiculous amount of well wishes and good luck messages. I don't really know where to begin in thanking those people. So I guess a list is probably my best bet at this point.

Mom & Dad, thank you. Your support doesn't go unnoticed. Financially, morally, you've been there every step of the way and for that, I am forever grateful. I truly have the best parents in the world. From dance recitals to pageants to track meets and everything in between, you've both been there for it all. I'm one lucky little child. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you both.

My siblings: you are all my world. I'm not exactly sure how you all have put up with me/grew up with me, but am I sure damn glad you did. I have never felt better about the person I am/am becoming, and that is solely because of the people I was raised alongside. You each have impacted me in the best of ways. I owe you all big time. And thanks for being the strongest people I know. I love you guys.

My beautiful, incredible friends: wow. I don't think I would be near where I am today if it weren't for you guys. I am forever indebted to all of you; your constant love and support means the world to me, and you all make me a better person each and every day. I love you all more than you will ever know. Special shoutout to Haley, Patrick, Yasmeen, Stephanie, Sarah, and Corey for being there in person last weekend. You guys are the best human beings.

My coaches- Melissa, Jessica, Michelle, Ray: I (quite literally) could not have done this without any of you. Thank you for being there with me every step of the way (from years ago 'till now!) and for supporting me no matter what crazy journey I chose to embark on. Thank you all for believing in me, even at times when I didn't quite believe in myself. All of my love.

I know I probably have forgotten some people; there are so many wonderful human beings in my life (again, lucky). Thank you all for believing in a very stubborn 19 year old. Your support means more than you will ever know.

It's a simple fact of life that sometimes you will lose a little. Sometimes life just happens. Sometimes you will feel lower than you ever thought possible. And then you'll wake up one morning and things just quite simply begin to get better. I did not walk away with a crown last weekend. But that is not what is important. I would not have changed a thing about that competition.

But I walked away a big ol' winner either way.
Because when you have family and friends like mine, you really can never lose.

"There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on." -Zayn Malik


  1. You my dear are beautiful inside and out and I am ridiculously proud of the woman you've become. You'll get to that grand stage one day. Until then we'll be rooting for you back home. Love you! :)


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