Good Riddance.

My sophomore year began like any ol' college semester. It was normal. I really was having a bit of an identity crisis throughout the course of first semester... You're laughing, I know. I wasn't entirely sure where I was going with my major, my relationship, myself. I really wasn't sure of much of anything, actually.

So I tried a disgusting amount to make sure I never felt like that again... To make sure I never felt unsure, unaware, or insecure. I changed my major, I worked hard at my relationship, I worked hard to make myself happy. And I did. But in true natural fashion, things in life happen. Second semester of sophomore year began on kind of a rocky surface anyway. If you've kept up with my writing, you'll know this entire blog began because of a few really unfortunate experiences I had. They were painful, they sat in my brain and consumed my thoughts, they made me into a different person. One of them was my story to tell, so I did. The other is not my story to tell at all whatsoever, but was difficult, nonetheless. I guess if I've learned anything this year, it's the following: A) I was once told that when bad things happen they come in 3s... this is true. But this is also true for good things B) painful experiences that weigh heavily on the heart, mind, and body only make for a stronger, more self-aware individual. For that, I'm forever grateful. C) people change overnight. And that's okay. And finally, D) my friends, my family... I don't know if I've ever felt luckier. 

I'm going to take this moment to thank some people who really have no idea how much they've impacted me this year. My beautiful, selfless, hysterical friends. To the people who gave me advice, to the people who showed me I can have faith in humanity again, to the people who watched me cry, cried with me, cried with a group of us, thank you. To the people who endured far more than I could ever imagine, thank you for showing me what true strength is. Thank you for helping me at a time when I needed it most. Thank you for putting me before yourself. Thank you for being the most beautiful people I know. Thank you for taking care of me, checking on me, laughing with me, creating memories with me, moving forward with me. You all are like a little piece of my soul, and I would be no where without you incredible human beings. When I was hurt the most, you all stepped in. You all had faith in me. You all respected me. You all listened to my rants (...still do). There will never be an adequate group of words to properly say how lucky I feel, how grateful I am, and how much I love each of you. You all are the truest definition of strength, you have each shown me that the best kinds of people are the ones who have known defeat, who have known struggle, who have known complete and utter sadness and loneliness. You are all beautiful, you are all my people, and you are all the most amazing human beings I have ever known. I have changed an immense amount this year for the better, and that is because of you people.

You are all the best kinds of people.

There aren't enough thank yous in the world. I am forever indebted to each of you. Thank you all for being compassionate, for being wonderful, for being you. I love you guys.

This year was hard. Really hard. But, this year was also the most rewarding year of my life thus far. I'm bidding a huge farewell to sophomore year. Thanks for the memories, for the hardships, for the triumphs, for the failures. Here's to great friends, changing for the better, and movin' right along.

Good riddance.

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." -C.S. Lewis


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