
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Competition

I think we all get those thoughts. You know the ones I'm talking about. The doubts, the fears, the "holycrapI'mreallypyschingmyselfoutandIknowitbutcan'treallystopit" thoughts. I like to believe they happen to the best of us. I figure, a little self-doubt every once in a while never killed anyone. Hell, it probably made people a little bit smarter, more self-aware, all that good stuff. There comes a limit, though. I do know this. I know this because I am a *professional* in the area of self-doubt. I know this because *AT LEAST* twice a day I find myself questioning a thought, an action, something throughout the course of those 17 hours I'm awake. I'm sorry to inform you if you came here to learn anything spectacular from this post, you probably won't. This is merely my take on self-doubt, self-conflict, and hopefully, one day, complete  self-acceptance. I just read a really awesome graduation speech the other day. Matthew McConaughey spoke at The Un...