I Met Her Wearing A Crown
I've done pageants since I was 12. I know, you're like, "oh, she's one of those girls." I'm actually probably the least-pageanty pageant girl to ever walk the planet. I don't enjoy getting ready, my humor is dry, and I'd pick sweatpants over a dress any day of the week. Oh, and March Madness is life. But when you're 12, can twirl a baton, throw on a dress and smile pretty, pageants are just what you do. I think a big misconception is that the girls who compete in said pageants are illiterate, inept, and uncoordinated. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I've twirled baton and danced since I was 5. It's what I love, it's challenging, and you can never perfect it, which I guess for some would be terrifying. And for me is addicting. When you participate in pageants within the Miss America Organization (MAO), a required element is a community service project, better known as a platform. My platform when I began...