
Showing posts from February, 2015

I Met Her Wearing A Crown

I've done pageants since I was 12. I know, you're like, "oh, she's one of those  girls." I'm actually probably the least-pageanty pageant girl to ever walk the planet. I don't enjoy getting ready, my humor is dry, and I'd pick sweatpants over a dress any day of the week. Oh, and March Madness is life.  But when you're 12, can twirl a baton, throw on a dress and smile pretty, pageants are just what you do. I think a big misconception is that the girls who compete in said pageants are illiterate, inept, and uncoordinated. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I've twirled baton and danced since I was 5. It's what I love, it's challenging, and you can never perfect it, which I guess for some would be terrifying. And for me is addicting. When you participate in pageants within the Miss America Organization (MAO), a required element is a community service project, better known as a platform. My platform when I began...


I think we all lose a little. Or maybe you feel like you've lost a lot, but no one has been there to remind you people all over the world are without food, water, homes. My family is not your typical family. And if you've met any or all of us, you'll know this. Our family dynamic is incredibly far from the norm; I mean, I'll disclose information that my mom will probably murder me for, but my parents had me at age 43. My oldest sister was 15. It's not our ages that make us unique. Sure, for some people, that's part of it. But it's each individual member who makes our family so... (I don't mean to brag) boss. Leah's the oldest. Like I said, she was 15 when I was born. I've always really had a generous amount of respect for Leah. Not only because she tolerated the fact that I came into her life in the middle of her teenage years, but she quite simply has a giant heart. I'm not really sure how she does it. The woman studied abroad, lived ...